Deep space nine best episodes
Deep space nine best episodes

deep space nine best episodes

So, season 2 and season 4 would compete for place 3 adn 4, with season 3 close behind. But, it also had a few very lame episodes reminiscent of season 1. I also think season 2 was excellent, with many good episodes and some of my favorites ("Necessary Evil", "The Maquis") and great development of Cardassians, Bajorans, the Maquis and the introduction of Dominion. Overall, I'd probably go for season 5 as the most consistent - I can't think of an episode that I found really awful, even the weak ones were at least bearable (I don't mind "Let He Who is Without Sin.") even though it did introduce us to the Pah-wraiths, but it was a one-shot thing. I actually retroactively take away points from season 6, since I hoped at the time that the whole thing would end up making sense, but, having seen the ending, I know that it does not. com forums resulted in a landslide win for season 6, but I don't think I could give it no.1 spot - it had some of the most awesome episodes of the show and the great war 6-parter, but it also started some plotlines that plagued season 7: the whole Dukat & Pah-wraiths stuff, which made no sense at all in "Tears of the Prophets". I am not 100% sure until I do a rewatch, but I remember I found seasons 5 and 6 the best. How would you rank DS9's seasons? And here's also a poll about the best season in your opinion. I don't know if this has been discussed/voted on before, but it certainly hasn't lately, so.

Deep space nine best episodes